第二站是由同事介绍,在日本非常火红,然后被带来台北也变得非常有名的蜜糖土司。在台北拥有三间分店的蜜糖土司非常不简单,而我们去的这一家更是创始店,位置就在靠近忠孝敦化捷运附近。台湾人都会把忠孝敦化,忠孝复兴,市政府称之为东区,类似马来西亚的Damansara, Bangsar, 很多年轻人和上班族都爱聚集在这里。再回到我们的蜜糖土司,我唯一的忠告是,如果要尝试就一定要预约!因为在没有预约的情况下,我们等了两个小时!!

This is the shop which introduced by my colleagues, very famous in Japan first then someone brought it to Taiwan and make it very famous too. It have 3 branches in total, this is the 1st branch which located near Zhong Xiao Dun Hua. Zhong Xiao Dun Hua is similar like our Damansara area, many below 35 youngster like to gather there.  Back to our topic, if possible, make an appointment before go to Dazzling cafe, we waited seats for 2 hours because we didn't make reservation!

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